• Electronic Leak Detection
• Pool Equipment Upgrades including Service, Repairs & Replacements
• Pool Heating Supply & Install – Solar/ Heat Pumps / Gas Heating
• Pool Light Repairs & Replacements including LEDs
• Pool Covers & Rollers
• Automatic Pool Cleaners – Suction & Robotic
• Pool Inspection Reports – Pre & Post Settlement – New Pool Handovers

Pools can leak and are noted by an obvious water loss. Some can be very slow, and are not much more than evaporation, and some can be very rapid. Whichever the case, pool leaks need to be rectified quickly before they become expensive to repair, cause unnecessary water loss, or cause damage to pool equipment.
Be sure to do the “bucket test” first to test the evaporation rate, and also check that water is not being lost through the backwash. Then call on us to help you with this problem.
How To Do Bucket Test
Pool Matrix utilises the latest electronic leak detection equipment supplied by Leaktronics who have been manufacturing this equipment for many years and distribute worldwide. The system utilises a leak detection amplifier for concrete pools, and an earth sensing device for fibreglass and vinyl pools.
We can also pressure test pipe work to detect leaks in connecting pipe work.

Pool Matrix can supply and install all major brands of pool equipment. From servicing older equipment, to advice and supply of the latest multi speed pumps.
If you require a new salt cell for your chlorinator and are unsure of the brand, take a photo and we can provide a quote with no “call out”.
Pump Repairs
Pool pumps can be repairable. Some noisy pumps may just need new bearings and seals.
Call on us for any problems or advice.

Zane Pool heating can extend your enjoyment of your swimming pool from a couple of months to year round swimming. Just ring and we can discuss which method of heating will suit your needs and budget.
Zane Solar Heating
Usually the most cost effective method of installing and running heating to your pool. It can extend your use of the pool for an extra month or so, before and after summer.
Click Here for more info

Zane Heat Pumps
Heat pumps work on a similar principle to a reverse cycle air conditioner. Depending on the size of the unit, it can extend your swimming use similar to solar heating, or, for larger pumps, you can enjoy your pool for 365 days per year.
Click Here for more info

Zane Gas Heating
Used mainly for “on demand” heating, this type of system can heat a pool very quickly and is ideal for therapeutic needs. Gas heaters require a large gas connection which is usually run back to the gas meter box.
Click Here for more info

Pool Matrix can repair most under water pool lights, or we can exchange your older quartz halogen lights for new, and power saving, LED models. The new LED pool lights come with a 2 year warranty and can last for up to 70,000 hours. These are available in blue, white or multi coloured.

As a requirement of all Shires, solar covers are a minimum necessity to reduce water evaporation. Pool covers can also provide pool heating, a barrier for leaves and litter, and, in some models, a rigid security cover for your pool. Pool Matrix uses only quality equipment supplied by reputable dealers. Ring now for a quote or advice on a:
. Solar Cover
. Solar Roller for your Cover
. Mesh Security Cover
. Thermal Shield Cover
. Hide Away & In Ground Systems

Pool Matrix can supply & install all types of automatic pool cleaners from suction cleaners (ie. Baracuda, Kreepy Krauly, etc) to a full range of robotic cleaners (from base models to remote controlled units). Call on Colin’s experience to advise which cleaner will suit your needs and budget.

Pool Matrix can provide a comprehensive report on the condition of your swimming pool, and all pool equipment, prior to, or post settlement of an existing property. This inspection will give you “peace of mind” to know all is ok or that some work or repairs may be required. We can liaise directly with the estate agent or vendor and can offer next day service in most circumstances.
See a copy of the detailed report HERE
The “Bucket Test” will determine if water loss in a pool is due to evaporation or a leak:
1. Bring pool water to normal level.
2. Place a brick or weight in the bucket to prevent it from floating.
3. Fill the bucket with pool water to about 3 cm from the top.
4. Place the bucket on the first or second step of the pool.
5. Mark the water level on the inside of the bucket.
6. Shut off the pump and mark the pool level on the outside of the bucket.
7. Resume normal pump operation.
8. After 24 hours, compare the two levels. If the pool water (outside mark) goes down more than the inside water level, there is probably a leak.